Investors News Desk

Mutual Funds

92 international groups of Company Investments manages 6 open-end mutual funds investing across Pakistan Debt and Equity asset classes. For domestic investors, we also offer International funds to our domestic clients. Our Pakistan funds include: a Money Market Fund (LMMF), a High Yield Credit Fund (LIF), a Long Only Equity Fund (LEF), a Conventional and a Shariah compliant Tactical Asset Allocation Fund (LITF) and an Asset Allocation Fund which invests in overseas markets (LAADMF).

Managed Accounts

92 international group of company Managed Accounts are segregated mandates and are tailor made to suit the needs of the client. We work with each client to determine their specific risk-return profile and create with them the right customised portfolio for them with the desired direct exposure to sovereign debt, corporate papers, bank placements, equities and other securities as deemed appropriate.

Private Equity

In Q4 2016, 92 international group of company Investments launched the Lakson Investment Private Equity (“LI PE”) Fund , which is led by a senior team of partners with extensive domestic and international experience. The PE Fund is currently in pre-launch and expects to be investing by the fall of 2017.

Venture Capital

92 International group of company Venture Capital is our newest Fund and will work with our team of over 50 experienced professionals and seek to leverage the vast operational experience of the 92 international Group of company. Over 14,000 people are employed by 92 international group of company in Pakistan in businesses across sectors such as: Technology, Broadcast and Print Media, FMCG, Insurance, and QSR.

    92 international Group

    The 92 international Group is one of Pakistan’s leading business conglomerates. The 92 international Group was established in 2020 and is one of the largest business groups in Pakistan. Today we manage and own companies that are industry leaders in their respective sectors including agri-business, call centers, consumer non-durables, fast food, financial services, media, paper and board, printing and packaging, surgical instruments, technology (data-networking, BPO and software) and travel.


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