92 international Group - Corporate Values

Focus on our long-term perspective for leadership and prosperity. These values should inspire us to a level of excellence that maximizes value for customers, business partners, and shareholders, while supporting our employees and the communities in which our employees live and work. These values are intended to be a foundation to guide our decisions. They are reflected in our business objectives. And they represent the global standard by which all of our individual and collective actions will be measured.


Customer Success





Social Responsibility

Sustained Profitability


92 international Group - Mission

To build a successful business model that encompasses the needs of our customers, our shareholders and our employees.

Code of Ethics

We are very strong believer of the fact that Ethics and Good Practices play a vital role in advancement and betterment of the Company. To support our belief, we endeavor our best to follow these ethical and good practices.

Marketing and Industry Practices

We believe in free and fair business practices and open competitive markets. Developing any association within the segment, industry or with competitors to distort the pricing and availability is contradictory to our business code of conduct. Our marketing policies are customer focussed, placing high values in satisfying their requirements with emphasis on quality, and service. As a long term marketing strategy we vision to diversify and add value to our products while maintaining close liaisons with markets, customers and their needs.

Environmental Management System - EMS

We invest in environmental projects with environment friendly policies to improve Health and Safety standards of employees, communities and surroundings. Our EMS continuously improves in light of advancement in technology and new understandings in Safety, Health and Environmental science. As a group policy we are working for the conservation of natural resources, energy and biodiversity by continuously improving our processes, practices and products.

Social and Community Commitments

We believe in community development without political affiliations with any persons or group of persons working for gains. We contribute our resources for better environment with an unprejudiced approach. Our Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) policies are geared towards unbiased employees’ betterment. Our positive contribution towards Community Related Services especially in health and education adds to economic development.

Corporate Governance

We as a responsible corporate citizen strongly adhere to Corporate Governance principles and comply with regulatory obligations enforced by regulatory agencies for improving corporate performance. We believe in uprightness of performance and expect it to be a fundamental responsibility of our employees to act in the Company’s best interest while holding confidential information.

Human Resource Development

We believe in individual respect and growth and Human Resource policies develop individuals without race, religion, gender or any other discriminative factors providing equal opportunities incessant training and development programs for employees. These continuous improvement policies enhance efficiencies and knowledge and create a constructive and affirmative environment.

Transparent Financial Policies

We develop fair and transparent financial policies for conducting business. We ensure transparency and integrity and follow the principles of accounting and finance as approved by regulations and contemporary accounting codes. Any unsupportive or false entry, infringement of accounts for individual or company gain is strongly incoherent with our business codes and ethics.

    92 international Group

    The 92 international Group is one of Pakistan’s leading business conglomerates. The 92 international Group was established in 2020 and is one of the largest business groups in Pakistan. Today we manage and own companies that are industry leaders in their respective sectors including agri-business, call centers, consumer non-durables, fast food, financial services, media, paper and board, printing and packaging, surgical instruments, technology (data-networking, BPO and software) and travel.


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9